Página oficial del Carnaval de Badajoz, Fiesta de interés turístico internacional

The social networks of #CarnavalDeBadajoz

Don’t miss a single detail of the biggest carnival in history! 🎉 murgas, artifact parades, animation groups and comparsas full of color and rhythm, street carnival, criers, we want to share with you every special moment.

📱 Follow us on our official social networks to:
✨ Stay up to date with all the events and schedules.
🎶 Enjoy photos and content from the groups.
📸 Relive the most exciting moments with unique photos and videos.
📢 Relevant notices.

🌐 Find us as:

Web Badajoz Carnival Official Website

Telegram Canal de Badajoz Carnival Announcements on Telegram

Facebook Badajoz Carnival on Facebook

X Badajoz Carnival on X

Youtube Badajoz Carnival on Youtube

Instagram Badajoz Carnival on Instagram

Threads Badajoz Carnival on Threads

TikTok Badajoz Carnival on TikTok

Use the hashtag #carnavaldebadajoz in your posts and geolocate your photos in Badajoz!
Also, you can mention and tag this account Carnaval de Badajoz Oficial if you want us to share your stories and photos.

#CarnavalDeBadajoz #SienteElCarnaval #LocuraDeCarnaval #Badajoz #VenAVivirlo

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