Página oficial del Carnaval de Badajoz, Fiesta de interés turístico internacional

2007 edition

Synonyms of Carnival

The Badajoz Carnival is synonymous with Badajoz. It seems like a truism. Something more than obvious. But I was not trivial. The carnival, our carnival, our party is synonymous with Badajoz, city, town, people, neighbors, all these words, terms, concepts, arguments that also indicate participation, popular, tradition, history, commitment, hubbub, hubbub , fun, difference, group, community, coexistence …

The Carnival, our Carnival, whose birth dates back to the history of time has reached our days with the vitality of a party in permanent transformation, capable of continuing to seduce thousands of Badajoz who are involved in its realization and showiness. The increase in murgas and comparsas, the effort they will make in the design and manufacture of costumes, in choreography, and staging, in lyrics and rhythms is of such magnitude that astonishment is not enough to admire such a spectacle.

The Badajoz Carnival feeds on itself to grow, that is, it does not need external elements to achieve higher and more intense goals each year. This is a first class party that transforms over time to adapt to new times without losing an iota of splendor, mischief and emotions inherited from bygone times. Badajocenses are proud to have, to conserve, to improve each year a unique festival, with differentiating elements that compensate us and stimulate and amaze our visitors.

The Badajoz Carnivals are a party made by everyone and maintained by everyone. No one can claim the authority of their essences or the leadership of their development as no one can feel alien to a party of everyone and for everyone. It is the festival of Badajoz and Badajoz belongs as the emotions and sensations it provokes belong. Today, this year of 2007, when the Carnival lengthens, it becomes more intense and the Carnival Museum becomes a reality among all – carnivals and institutions – we have to dedicate the merit to a city that, to the extent of its possibilities and with illusions intact, keep the party alive.

Miguel A. Celdrán Matute
Mayor of Badajoz

More information on Badajoz City Council website.