Comparsa El Vaivén, first prize in the Comparsas Children’s Parade
Y este ha sido el fallo del jurado:1. El Vaivén 2. Cambalada 3. Los Tukanes 4. Balumba 5. Las MonjasPrimer accésit: Lancelot y Shantala Segundo accésit: Moracantana, Pirulfos y Los
Y este ha sido el fallo del jurado:1. El Vaivén 2. Cambalada 3. Los Tukanes 4. Balumba 5. Las MonjasPrimer accésit: Lancelot y Shantala Segundo accésit: Moracantana, Pirulfos y Los
19 de febrero. A partir de las 12:00 h. Con la participación de Comparsas, Grupos Menores y Artefactos. Recorrido: Avda. Santa Marina, Enrique Segura Otaño, Avda. de Europa y Plaza Dragones Hernán Cortés.
Programa del viernes, 17 de febrero DESFILE DE COMPARSAS INFANTILES 17:00 h.Desfile Oficial de Comparsas Infantiles del Carnaval de Badajoz.Recorrido: Avda. de Europa, Plaza Dragones Hernán Cortés, Plaza de Minayo, Obispo San
Jueves 2 de febrero de 2023 Teatro López de Ayala a partir de las 20:00 horas Apertura de puertas a las 19:30 Entrada libre hasta completar aforo Sinopsis: Documental audiovisual
El Concejal de Ferias y Fiestas, Francisco Javier Gutiérrez, ha presentado a los pregoneros del #CarnavalDeBadajoz2023 Viernes 17 de febrero a las 20:30, Pregón Inaugural en el balcón del Palacio
“Vente Conmigo” de la autora Macarena Gil Pajares, será el cartel que anunciará el Carnaval de Badajoz 2023, Fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional. Según el jurado del concurso, de entre las 32 obras
Sábado 19 de febrero a las 21 horas (aforo limitado) en Ifeba Actuación de Umsuka Imbali, Vaiven, Infectos Acelerados, Cambalada, Moracantana y Valkerai
Check your numbers here You will be able to see the numbers that have been selected in the drawing in GREEN color next to the locations that correspond to you.
Tomorrow Friday at 12 pm will be held the draw for the numbers of the tickets for the Contest of Murgas in the Department of Fairs and Festivals. It will
The Carnival of Badajoz has obtained the recognition of Fiesta of International Tourist Interest, granted by the Secretary of State for Tourism, with the signing of the declaration by the
The Department of Fairs and Festivals of the City of Badajoz has published the winners of the photography and poetry contests of the 40th anniversary of the carnival of Badajoz:
Do not miss the talent of the Carnival of Badajoz, until April 25, we will publish on this page the photographs and poems of the participants in the contests and
The Department of Fairs and Festivities of the City Council of Badajoz presents this new website with the support of new profiles on social networks with the aim of promoting
With the most varied techniques, the exhibition features works by local and foreign artists who have captured over the past 40 years many of the peculiarities of our Carnival.
A total of 8 sculptures in tribute to the carnival groups of Badajoz are displayed in different parts of the city until March 14.Five of these monuments are dedicated to